Rescue Me! Burmilla Massachusetts Burmilla Rescue

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PIease Read Before Adopting a Burmilla in Massachusetts
    Burmilla Cats can make good pets in Massachusetts if they match your IifestyIe. The Burmilla is a young hybrid cat breed resulting from a cross between the Burmese and the Persian Chinchilla. The Burmilla is a headstrong, rambunctious cat. Burmilla Cats do well with other pets and with children. The Burmilla has a youthful, playful temperament which make it a wonderful family companion.

Rescue Me! - HeIpingAnimaIs in Need.
lnteresting Burmilla Trivia Low-Cost Massachusetts Spay & Neuter Clinics
    The Burmilla was first bred in the United Kingdom. Burmillas are champion show cats in the U.K.

Related pages:

Burmilla Rescue

Massachusetts Animal Rescue
(Sorted by Zip Code.)

Franklin County - Leverett 01054
Dakin Animal Shelter 413-548-9898

Hampden County - Springfield 01138
Concerned Citizens for Animals, Inc 413-565-5383

Franklin County - Greenfield, MA 01302
Pioneer Valley Humane Society 413-773-3148

Worchester County - Clinton, MA 01510
Clinton Veterinary Hospital 978-368-8509

Middlesex County - Acton, MA 01720
Animal Umbrella 508-877-1194

Worcester County - Bolton, Massachusetts 01740
Second Chance Fund for Animal Welfare 978-779-8287

Worcester County - Southborough, MA 01772
Commonwealth Cats, Inc 508-303-3806

Essex County - Salisbury, Massachusetts 01952
Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society 978-462-0760

Essex County - Salem 01970
Northeast Animal Shelter 978-745-9888

Norfolk County - Canton 02021
Neponset Valley Humane Society 781-341-2675

Plymouth County - Scituate, Massachusetts 02066
The Friends of Scituate Shelter 781-545-8703

Suffolk County - Boston, Massachusetts 02116
Animal Rescue League of Boston 617-426-9170

Suffolk County - S Boston 02127
Alliance for Animals Clinic 617-268-7800

Suffolk County - South Boston, MA 02127
Stop the Overpopulation of Pets 617-571-7151

Suffolk County - Boston 02130
MSPCA/MVMA Spay/Neuter Assistance Program 617-541-5007

Plymouth County - Duxbury, Massachusetts 02331
Standish Humane Society 781-834-4663

Barnstable County - Buzzards Bay, MA 02532
A Helping Paw 508-759-2887

Barnstable County - Provincetown, Massachusetts 02657
Carrie A. Seaman Animal Shelter 508 487- 4243

Bristol County - Fall River, MA 02720
Faxon Animal Rescue League of Greater Fall River 508-679-6122

Bristol County - Fall River, MA 02720
Sylvan Animal Clinic (Faxon Animal Rescue League) 508-679-6122

Bristol County - N Dartmouth 02747
Animal Advocates 508-991-7727

If you find any of the above spay/neuter information is incorrect,
or if you know another low-cost clinic to recommend, please
call Rescue Me! at 1-800-800-2099 with this information.
♥ This page is in fond memory of these Burmilla Cats who are no longer with us... ♥
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